Sunday, August 29, 2010

A dressing-down for the nation

On Tuesday President Obama is, we are told, planning to dress the nation on a rock.

It had better be a big rock or there won't be enough room for them all.... Some of those Americans are large!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

View to the North

I'm lazy. I would rather look at mountains from afar than sweat and climb and gain perspective. Besides, I'm waiting for all those people to get out of the way...

The Creative Process

I've been trying to understand how to invoke the Muse and what banishes her. I've come to the conclusion that ownership is key to the creative process.

The fact that sitting here, now, I can choose whether and when to publish is exhilarating.

The corollary, of course, is the ennervating effect of disempowerment-