Saturday, December 3, 2011

What Cain means by Empower the States

Last Sunday, November 27, 2011 CNN's Candy Crowley interviewed Republican candidate Herman Cain. Ms. Crowley was understandably confused about his position on illegal immigration, a hot topic in the Republican candidate debates. Herman Cain said he would "empower the States" to deal with illegal immigration.
Normally when Republicans say "empower the States" they mean to devolve Federal powers of legislation to the State level. That was how Ms. Crowley understood his statements, but Mr. Cain, who aims to bring "strength through clarity" to the Presidency, responded with a vigorous but somewhat muddied "explanation" that, after many viewings, I think I understand.
It seems that Herman Cain was trying to say was that he would enable states to "enforce" federal law, not that he would "empower" states to choose their own policies on immigration. Perhaps he mixed up the word "enforce" with the word "empower"?
At any rate, it does seem he uses "empower" to mean "deputize". This use of empower is opposite from the normal Republican meaning. Herman Cain means to impose the resposability and expense of enforcing federal law onto states without expanding their right to shape those laws in any way.  
I posted something like this at the "comments" section for the CNN piece, but it is still "awaiting moderation". Since no other posting have shown up either, it seems that the layoff last week of more than fourty reporters and editors at CNN is taking its toll.
CNN was already noticably short of investigation. Their claim to be an international news organization has long ago yeilded to content amounting to little more than "cat up a tree somewhere in the lower 48", except for the Sunday morning line up. If even Candy, Fareed and Howie have had institutional support removed then they should move together to another network. I would not have to subscribe to the rediculous CNN anymore.