Thursday, March 5, 2020

American Republican Socialists

Response to Charlie Sykes re his March 3, 2020 Bulwark podcast “Heath Mayo on #PrinciplesFirst”

In the US almost ¾ (three quarters!) of dairy farmers’ expenses were paid by government during the 2005 – 20015 period BEFORE Trump’s additional massive increase of subsidies pushed it above 80%. (

In Canada dairy farmers restrict supply to match a formula for anticipated demand. Farmers bid for quota amounts, competing with each other on price. No subsidies, none, zero, are paid to farmers by the Canadian government.

American dairy GOP “conservatives” are hard-core socialists when they are on the receiving end, but believe in sink-or-swim unregulated capitalism for others. Both Democrats and Republicans pander to the fantasy that there is some infinite market for dairy out there. Pump those cows full of hormones! Open up another facility! Vote for me!

I have just been listening to your podcast saying that there are principled intellectual disagreements in the conservative movement about a free market economy as if one had existed in Wisconsin prior to Trump.

Heath Mayo nods to truth by calling out Trumpist pandering to Appalachian white labourers, but carefully avoids naming either local Wisconsin dairy or the vast make-work project that is the American military. You, Charlie, use “conservative” as a synonym for membership in the Republican party.

Republican dairy farmers are subsidized more heavily than dairy farmers in the European countries you blithely call socialist for goodness sake. Your own use of the term “conservative” is clearly not connected to any kind of capitalism.

Mayo warns of philosophical erosion “once conservatism starts catering to interest groups” Starts? Starts!? This did not start with Trump. He doesn’t bother with the inane “Atlas Shrugged” fig-leaf, but the intellectual void that is Trumpism simply reflects back the same set of beliefs and attitudes that they found in the GOP.

The Republican party during my lifetime has been about nothing more than the fantasy that having European roots automatically makes you smarter and more industrious. This supposedly explains your own financial position relative to disadvantaged Americans and excuses you from any need to change the system. You wonder why anything other than blind team loyalty upsets “conservatives” so much. It is because what they want to conserve is not capitalism; It is the playing field tilted in their own favour.

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